Operation Renewed Hope Foundation’s Annual Gala
WUSA 9 Story regarding our Annual GalaORHF President Recognized by Alma Mater
As part of their recognition of Veteran’s Day, James Madison University recently honored our very own Deborah Snyder. Read the article here: https://www.jmu.edu/news/2023/11/10-deborah-snyder-ending-veteran-homelessness.shtmlEnding Veteran Homelessness: Operation Renewed Hope Foundation Provides Renovated Home
Ending Veteran Homelessness: Operation Renewed Hope Foundation Provides Renovated Home
Struggling Veterans find new home in Alexandria
Operation Renewed Hope Foundation opened a new home in Alexandria for Northern Virginia veterans struggling with homelessness on March 9, according to a news release. The house was renovated by
Renovated Alexandria Home Opens for Military Veterans
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, nearly 11 percent of this country’s homeless population are veterans. Recently an Alexandria nonprofit, Operation Renewed Hope Foundation (ORHF), purchased a home in the